What has the Culinary Arts Commission achieved so far?

What has the Culinary Arts Commission achieved so far?

Since launch, the commission has been busy – and it’s already making important moves to highlight the sector and drive international interest. 

Achievements include:

  • The launch of an initiative called Our Culinary Legacy, which encourages amateur and professional Saudi chefs to showcase their skills and increase exposure for local talent.
  • The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City – which will support and elevate local talent, providing opportunities to a new generation of culinary talent and F&B entrepreneurs.
  • One very exciting milestone for local talent is that the commission has partnered with Le Cordon Bleu – to serve the dual purpose of providing classical culinary training to Saudi Arabian chefs, while also enabling international students to learn about Saudi cuisine.
  • The launch of an incubator scheme which focused on improving quality standards in the culinary arts sector, as well as supporting startups, creating more jobs, and ensuring that the sector contributes to the country’s economy.
  • Collaboration with the international sustainable food movement Slow Food – in order to promote sustainable practices in the sector and increase the production and consumption of healthy food in Saudi Arabia. 

And that’s just a tiny taste of what the commission has been up to. 

The Culinary Arts Commission is leading the development of Saudi Arabia’s culinary arts sector

The commission is bringing the legacy of local food into the present day: creating a register of dishes; encouraging culinary arts talent to write down the recipes that have been passed onto them by past generations; and publishing and publicising those dishes. 

And it’s also looking to the future: creating the ecosystem and motivation for research into the field of culinary arts, and ensuring that the sector is taken seriously. 

The commission is leading the development of culinary arts in Saudi Arabia – and ensuring there’s space for creativity, with a blend of heritage and innovation. The launch of focused initiatives, along with increased investment, means that Saudi Arabia is primed to become a global destination of culinary arts.

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